Monday, March 16, 2015

Nominating People

I am recently nominated for the Liebster Award. Nomination by Ratchel Hanson, other wise known by her blog Just A GirlThe award is for small blogs (200 followers or less) I am honored to be nominated especially because I was on verge of closing this blog down. Thank you Ratchel for keeping my blog alive.
- Love,

The rules for Liebster Award :

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate another 11 bloggers and link them
4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
5. Notify all nominees by social media/blogs

Questions asked by Ratchel Hanson:

1. Why did you start blogging?
I wanted to Explore and exploit my writing potential.
2. Who inspires you the most and why?
Good books and well written blogs, I think.
3. What is your favorite movie/genre?
4. Where do you want to visit most and why?
Each city in the world, because I want to. God, can I borrow another life, please?
5. What is your favorite book/genre?
'Well written' and 'well plotted' is my favorite genre.

6. What questions do you hate to answer?
The ones involving personal questions.
7.What is the weirdest thing you have ever done?
I'll need a diary or two to write all that stuff.
8. If you could create one thing what would it be?
Let's make a world better place.
Spread love.
9. Describe yourself in 3 words
Young. Wild. Free.
10. What is your favorite food?
Everything tasty
11. What is the thing you hate to spend money on?
Nothing. If I've earn it, I deserve to spend it.

I nominate:
1. What is your dream career/job?

2. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

3. What is your ultimate holiday destination?

4. What is your all-time favorite book/genre?

5. Describe yourself in 10 words or less

6. What bands/artists do you love and what are your favorite songs by them?

7. If you could have one wish, what would it be?

8. What made you want to start blogging?

9. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what 3 things would you take and why?

10. Describe your favorite food without actually using the name of it

11. If you could spend the day with one person (dead or alive, famous or not) who would it be, why and what would you do together?


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